Workshop 2021

Circular Bioeconomy in the Urban Waste Management: Role of The Public Administration

Tuesday, December 14th, 2021
From 09:00 to 14:30

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Aula Magna 203 – Aulario III – campus de Móstoles

The urban biorefinery concept came up to promote the recovery of valuable resources contained in the urban waste to be used as a raw matter within the production system. Urban waste includes municipal solid waste, excess of biomass from pruning and gardening, and the domestic wastewater. The role of the Public Administration in the management and the development of successful policies is key for guaranteeing the fitting of the public actions to the basic principia of circular bioeconomy, which are defined through the EU agreements. These agreements focus on the practical application of the UN Sustainable Development Goals 6 and 12, which have been ratified by the member States.

This Workshop will analyze the role of the Public Administration in the practical application of the urban biorefinery concept, through the participation of local, regional, and national bodies. The scope of the Workshop encompasses those geographic zones where three research projects operate, which are all based on the application of the circular bioeconomy principia on the urban waste management:

  • Proyecto DEEP PURPLE: conversion of diluted mixed urban bio-wastes into sustainable materials and products in flexible purple photobiorefineries (Ref. 837998), funded by the Bioindustries Consortium and the EC H2020 program
  • Proyecto BIOTRES_CM: Bioeconomía Urbana: de Biorresiduos a Biocombustibles y Bioproductos de Interés Industrial (S2018/EMT-4344), funded by the Madrid’s Region and the European Regional Development Fund.

  • Proyecto REMTAVARES CM: Red Madrileña de tratamientos para la reutilización de aguas residuales y valorización de fangos (S2018 / EMT-4341), funded by the Madrid’s Region and the European Regional Development Fund.

The second workshop organized by the three consortiums aims to be a meeting point between public administration officials and scientists who are experts in the use of waste for the production of high added-value compounds and renewable energies in order to learn about the cutting edge of activities, research needs and the solution to these issues.


09:30. Opening

Mr. Javier Ramos López

Mr. Javier Ramos López

Rector of the Rey Juan Carlos University

Mr. Mariano González Sáez

Mr. Mariano González Sáez

Deputy Minister of the Environment, Spatial Planning and Sustainability of the Community of Madrid

Mr. Fidel Rodríguez Batalla

Mr. Fidel Rodríguez Batalla

Deputy Minister of Universities, Science and Innovation of the Community of Madrid

10:00. Presentation of projects and business environment

Mr. Juan Antonio Melero Hernández

Mr. Juan Antonio Melero Hernández

Professor of Chemical Engineering. URJC. Coordinator of the BIO3-Madrid Network

Mr. Fernando Martínez Castillejo

Mr. Fernando Martínez Castillejo

Professor of Chemical Engineering. URJC. REMTAVARES Network Coordinator

Mr. Daniel Puyol Santos

Mr. Daniel Puyol Santos

Researcher Ramón y Cajal. URJC. Scientific coordinator of the DEEP PURPLE Project.

Mr. Enrique Hernández Moreno

Mr. Enrique Hernández Moreno

Director of Management Systems, Sustainability and Risks at FCC Aqualia

11:00. Local panel

Mr. Jesús Santos Gimeno

Mr. Jesús Santos Gimeno

Councilor for City Services and President of Esmasa. Alcorcón City Council

Mr. Ricardo Luis Izquierdo.

Mr. Ricardo Luis Izquierdo.

General Director of Circular Economy. Fuenlabrada City Council

Mrs. María José Rey Torres

Mrs. María José Rey Torres

Technician of the street cleaning and waste management area of the Móstoles City Council

12:00. Coffee Break

12:30. Regional panel

Mrs. Cristina Aparicio Maeztu

Mrs. Cristina Aparicio Maeztu

General Director of Circular Economy of the Community of Madrid

Mrs. Marta Gómez Palenque

Mrs. Marta Gómez Palenque

General Director of Circular Economy of the Community Board of Castilla-La Mancha.

13:30. Panel-interview. Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge

Mrs. Margarita Ruiz Saiz-Aja

Mrs. Margarita Ruiz Saiz-Aja

Deputy Director General of Circular Economy. Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge

Mr. Manuel Menéndez Prieto

Mr. Manuel Menéndez Prieto

Advisory Member in the Cabinet of the Secretary of State for the Environment

14:15. Closure and visit to the URJC pilot plants

Mr. Juan Antonio Melero Hernández

Mr. Juan Antonio Melero Hernández

Professor of Chemical Engineering. URJC. Coordinator of the BIO3-Madrid Network

Mr. Fernando Martínez Castillejo

Mr. Fernando Martínez Castillejo

Professor of Chemical Engineering. URJC. REMTAVARES Network Coordinator

Mr. Daniel Puyol Santos

Mr. Daniel Puyol Santos

Researcher Ramón y Cajal. URJC. Scientific coordinator of the DEEP PURPLE Project.

Broadcasting of the event


More information about the DEEP PURPLE project

DEEP PURPLE project: conversion of diluted mixed urban bio-wastes into sustainable materials and products in flexible purple photobiorefineries (Ref. 837998), funded by the Bioindustries JTI within the EC’s H2020 program.

More information about Bio3Madrid

BIOTRES_CM Project: Urban Bioeconomy: from Biowaste to Biofuels and Bioproducts of Industrial Interest (S2018 / EMT-4344), financed by the Community of Madrid and the European Regional Development Fund.

More information about REMTAVARES

REMTAVARES CM Project: Madrid Network of treatments for the reuse of wastewater and recovery of sludge (S2018 / EMT-4341), financed by the Community of Madrid and the European Regional Development Fund.